Rolling right into week 2 of our road to the Highland Show and I think everyone at the atelier is feeling the same way - where has this week gone? We’re still on track to be ready in time but this week some of our deadlines have cut a bit close which meant it was a bit touch and go whether some of our tasks were going to be achieved, none the less we’ve managed to keep to our schedule and we’re still moving steadily in the right direction.

One of our main goals for this week was a follow on from last week’s meeting with Multiprint. It’s all very well making garments to take to the Highland Show, but we also have our website, social media and catalogue to think about, and all those need photos. So, one of each of our new garments was packed up and posted down to Blackpool to be photographed on an ‘invisible mannequin’ (those are the pictures on our website product pages that look like somebody invisible is wearing the garment).
Product photos dealt with; we patiently awaited the return of the garments for our model shoot which was arranged for last Thursday. Usually our garments get back pretty prompt and there are no issues, so we didn’t really worry about their return. However, when it came to Wednesday morning and we were about to start steaming garments ready for the shoot, suddenly we realised the distinct lack of clothes!
Fortunately, at around 25 minutes past 5 on Wednesday afternoon (5 minutes before we head home) the garments were delivered, and we would have plenty of time to get them out of the box and steamed the following morning before the shoot.
We’ve used a few different locations for our photoshoots over the years but for this collection our design team had a particular idea in mind for how they wanted the photos to look and so we were in need of a studio. After a little looking around we came across Ian at ‘Big! Huge! Massive!’ who kindly rented us his studio in Dunfermline (about 15 minutes from our flagship atelier) which worked out perfectly!

So, now that our photos are all taken, they just need a little perfecting and we’ll be all set to start distributing them ahead of the Highland Show so be sure to keep your eye out (or sign up to our mail list) for those in the coming weeks.
There’s only 22 days left to the Highland Show and still plenty to do so check back net week as things (hopefully) start to come together and remember the British constitution - ‘keep calm and carry on’